#Help I Accidentally Built A Palace


Soooo…. does anyone else begin building something that suddenly takes on a life all its own? I threw down a base structure because ostensibly I wanted to build a test gallery- with a mezzanine and overlooking balconies, and I wanted to test a new vaulted ceiling piece of CC I’d downloaded…. I was just going to test it…. I was just going to build that central court gallery…. then I started decorating it…. next thing I knew: POW! It’s a Palace. 🤣

I’ve uploaded the 3 story gallery mezzanine as a separate build to be added to palaces etc- to the EA Gallery: “Versailles Gallery 3 Fl” my handle: daniandnick.

On the Main Floor, the grand entryway and the central gallery: two stories with an overlooking balconies and a minstrels gallery at one end, which is how the #HelpIAccidentallyBuiltAPalace Project Started. 

The formal dining room – Green and Gold with lots of ornately carved wood, and rich brocades. Because…. you know: a Palace! 

The small (“small”, lol) drawing room in red and gold, with multiple seating areas and far too much gold and decorations…. ’cause, again: Palace!

The Gentlemen’s smoking  lounge, with dark aged ornately carved wood furniture, and of course the best brandy & scotch and cigars!!

And of course the grand drawing room- all in pale blue and white with gold accents, settees, sofas, and a grand piano to entertain the fan fluttering ladies.

More images below from my Tumblr post!

The Queens Bedroom

An extravagant suite, The Queen’s Bedroom is decorated in gold….. well yellow, but most definitely GOLD, lol.  The glorious canopied bed (by AnnaQuin Stories), with sitting room, separate dressing room (with storage for the family jewels of course), and white marble bathroom. 

Of course every palace needs lots of sumptuous bedrooms… one to fit just about every personality and preferences 😀 

These are just a few of the bedrooms in the palace.



Along with more bedrooms, sitting rooms, drawing rooms and all the highly decorated hallways (I swear I decorated miles of hallways in this build, lol!), there is the Palace Library.

I LOVE libraries so I tend to put a lot of time into creating exactly the right atmosphere.  The Library is another two storied gallery section in the Accidental Palace.  With heavy oak beams and panelling, ornate ceilings, multiple sitting areas, and a small museum section that showcases the family jewels, and a selection of antiques.

Finally after several weeks work, the Accidental Palace was complete!!!

You can download it from the gallery:  The Accidental Palace,  my ID is daniandnick

And you can download the List of the ludicrously huge amount of Custom Content that was used in this build HERE

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